What inspired you to create Kilig Candle Co.?
I’ve always loved doing DIY projects and came across candle making while looking for my next hobby! After falling in love with making candles, I decided to start my business and see where it would take me.

What does “Kilig” mean?
Kilig is a word in Tagalog that can express the joy and excitement of a relationship (usually romantic) and is my favourite word in Tagalog! To sum up the feeling of Kilig, I always tell people it’s that feeling of when you have butterflies in your tummy!

Can you elaborate on what it means to you to create a beautiful candle brand around Filipino culture?
Creating this business and being able to feature my Filipino heritage within it has really been a new way for me to connect with my culture! I’ve met so many great people from the Filipino community through my business and have also learnt of how supportive everyone really is. Because this brand has given me so much, I wanted to give back to the Filipino community so I decided to partner with Canadian non-profit Adhika to provide meals to impoverished children in the Philippines. For every candle purchased, Kilig Candle Co. donates one meal to their School Feeding Program. That itself has become such an important part of my business and motivation to keep on going. The fact that not only has the Filipino community supported me, I get to help others back home and potentially make a difference in their lives.

During these interesting times, what keeps you inspired?
Seeing other small business owners push through these strange times and find new ways to work is what inspires me the most. I’m always having conversations with small business friends on how we can work harder and better and it’s so motivating to have a community that’s willing and ready to push forward together.

Where can we find your products?
You can currently find Kilig Candle Co. in 22 stores across Canada and online at www.kiligcandleco.com

Covid has affected us all in different ways. If you’re comfortable, can you share with us how this time has affected you and your business? And do you have a message to share with the community?
To be honest, COVID has not only helped my business grow but it has really pushed me to be creative in the way I present and sell my products. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been an uprising in the “support local” movement and I’m finding more and more people want to shop small and local with brands like Kilig Candle Co. I’ve definitely had to pivot a couple of times when trying to spread the message of the brand and when marketing it to people but I’m grateful for the push that COVID has given me! One message that I want to share with the community would have to be, please don’t stop supporting your local small businesses when things are “back to normal”. Although it can be easy to shop at bigger boxed stores, if you can afford to, try and support more local shops! When you shop small, you’re supporting a member of your community, your local economy, and helping that small business owner’s dreams take that next step forward.

Tell us one fun fact about Kilig Candle Co.
One year ago Kilig Candle Co. started in my parents basement in a 50 sqft. room! A year later and I have my own candle studio located in East Vancouver!

For more info:
Website: www.kiligcandleco.com
Instagram: @kiligcandleco