What sparked your interest in acting?
I accidentally walked on to the set of Romeo Must Die as a kid, and stole a donut. Whilst eating it, I saw the cameras rolling on a bunch of Asian guys acting and I thought, “wow, maybe I could do that one day”.
What do you love about your job?
I love that you have no idea where the limit lies in this business… anything is possible.
And ironically, I sometimes feel more alive when I’m acting. It really is a high for me.
During these interesting times, what keeps you inspired?
It’s the same idea of knowing that anything is possible. We have no idea what next week has in store for us, which can be exciting but we also can’t control a lot right now. So in the meantime, I’m working on living more in the present and living a purposeful and fulfilling life…One that I can look back on and be proud of.
Siren, Supergirl, Prison Break.
What’s coming up for you?
You can catch me in the new CW series “Kung Fu” coming out this spring, along with a few other fun projects set for this year. I’m in the works of getting back to one of my first loves – designing a clothing line called “Rare Spirit” and I’m also producing an audio series at the moment called “Matched” that should be released this summer as well 🙂
Tell us one fun fact about you.
I was born with a very special gift… of being able to fall asleep at anytime and anyplace (my friends know this all too well) haha.
For more info:
Instagram: @hansumlum