We caught up with prolific up-and-coming actress (and new angelic face of Philly Cream Cheese!) Humberly Gonzalez. In this exclusive interview Humberly shares her journey, from the beaches of the Caribbean to the fast-paced world of stage, film and TV.

Where are you from originally and how did Canada become your home?
I grew up in Venezuela! in a city called Punto Fijo. I have so many fond memories of the beach and the warm air, I lived there until i was 12 years old then i moved to the island of Aruba in the Caribbean, it was paradise! Ultimately my family and I moved to Canada in 2007.

What is one thing you love about Canada?
So much to discover within this country. I have lived in Alberta, Quebec and Ontario and each province has its own wonders. I love the diversity of people and food and the big parks and lakes

Tell us your story. What first sparked your interest in acting?
I have always loved performing. In my culture dancing and singing is encourages and its the way we bond within our loved ones… so naturally I was always fearless in expressing myself. It never occurred to me I could be a professional performer until I moved to Canada, and doors opened up once I started doing community theatre in Fort McMurray, Alberta. That was the beginning of it all!

I auditioned for the National Theatre School of Canada in Montreal and once I was accepted I knew my life would change, the rest is history and here I am 5 years after graduating living my best Actor life in Toronto!!

Canadian actress and original Philly Angel Linda Kash passes the torch to her successor

What are some struggles or challenges you faced on your journey to where you are now? What advice do you have for aspiring entertainers?
I used to get very nervous going out for auditions, that was partly because I wasn’t 100% confident in myself, I went though the very common journey of comparing myself and taking things personally. It isn’t easy to face rejection, nothing prepares you for that. But the moment I changed my mindset, that’s when I found real success and happiness.

I have an incredible team who supports me and encourages my growth, that was a HUGE part of finding the confidence I have now. My advice to anyone wanting to jump into the arts is, your secret weapon is you. Speak from what you know, your instincts are where the truth lives. The second you allow yourself to truly be seen and you find vulnerability, the rest comes with it. I now know what I offer, and I know that what is meant for me will come, the rest is simply part of the adventure!

Humberly goes virtual for her role as street racing star Chase da Silva in Starlink: Battle for Atlas

Most interesting thing that’s happened in your career so far?
I have done several commercials in the past but recently I was cast as the new Philadelphia Cream Cheese Angel, the previous angel, Linda Kash, was a huge icon and I feel so proud to step into her wings. I have never represented a brand in this way and I have gotten such great feedback! It’s awesome 🙂

Is there anything you would have done differently?
Honestly, no. I think I am exactly where I’m meant be. The doubts I used to have were there so I could learn to push myself, the mistakes I made taught me about resilience and growth. I believe everything happens for a reason and I look back with love not regret. Always forward 🙂

Representation and Diversity has come a long way since Hollywood began. What are your thoughts?
I have only been a professional working actor for the last 5 years. And I truly feel it was the perfect time for some one like me, an immigrant Latina, to step into the industry. I felt my “hit” was in demand and I was being offered a chance on more than ever.

I know that wasn’t always the case, I rarely saw my self represented on TV and Films, unless it was a stereotype that needed to be filled. Whereas now, I’m being cast in leading roles without it being specifically attached to my ethnicity but rather because of my talent.

I’m so proud to represent Venezuela, I don’t often see many in Hollywood so it’s a huge inspiration for me to lead by example. We exist and we are here!!! I think the Lantinx/Hispanic community is growing more and more and I hope it continues.

COVID has changed the way we live our every day life. How has it impacted your life and what are some changes you’ve made?
I am much more of a homebody now. I’m an extrovert so it was difficult to spend so much time indoors. However, I found peace in the simple things, I realize I can spend a lot more time with myself without others around and I felt okay. Still to this day I’m being extra careful, my health is my priority, especially with shooting a TV series during a pandemic. It’s put so much into perspective for me in a great way, I feel in times of crisis we tend to go inward and ask, what matters most to me?

What’s coming up for you?
I am currently shooting Season 2 of Nurses! We were the first show to start shooting out of lockdown, and we have such a strong team. I truly felt taken care of!
I have two Netflix Original Series premiering in the near future “Jupiter’s Legacy” and “Ginny and Georgia” COVID has delayed their release but soon enough the magic of those projects will come to light!

Humberly Gonzalez Shares Five Fun Facts

  1. I have my Scuba Diving certification
  2. I have a 10 year old pup that I bring to set with me!
  3. I love balancing, Slacklining, Indo boarding, Yoga inversions!!
  4. Food is my weakness and the fastest way to my heart. ESPECIALLY home cooked meals
  5. I sing every single day. Walking down the street, in the shower, anywhere.

WBD’s Lighting Round

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
Spain. Id love to experience speaking spanish in Europe, and it looks so beautiful!

If I gave you $20 to spend on anything right now, what would it be?
Definitely food, probably tacos.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise people.
I was born without two of my adult teeth, I got teeth implants when i was 18!

What advice would you give to your 15 year old self?
Say no when you felt it.

One guilty pleasure you aren’t willing to give up?
Reality TV.

For more info:
Instagram: @humberly
Twitter: @humberlyg