What sparked your interest in acting?
I honestly can’t remember what exactly sparked my initial interest in acting since my focus, for the longest time, was Dance and Musical Theatre. Although I naturally implemented it in everything I did, I actually never said out loud, that I wanted to be an actor. I just always loved to perform. However, I can confidently say that watching Angela Bassett’s performance in What’s Love got To Do With It, ignited something inside of me that I carry with me until this day. I guess the seed was planted then and got watered throughout the years without me really knowing. I’m so thankful to the individuals that saw something in me when I didn’t even recognize it within myself.

What do you love about your job?
How much time do you have? lol I love that every day I get to experience something completely different and new. I don’t like routine. I also love that acting forces you to look within and acknowledge the truths of who you are. It forces you to dissect and analyze every single part. This doesn’t only help in self discovery but it also teaches you about others and how they move in the world. I love that I get to travel and discover new cultures. I love that my job sets me apart from societies norms, teaches me to take risks and instills a certain type of discipline in my life. I love that it caters to every stage of life and has longevity. I love that I get to impact people’s lives through entertainment. I love that I give a full life to what once only existed on a piece of paper. I love that I can be an example to another black girl, young or old, who looks like me and dare her to step out on faith and to dream big. And I love that I get to tell stories of those before us, those currently amongst us and how we imagine them to one day be.

During these interesting times, what keeps you inspired?
All in all, people have inspired me through these interesting times. Whether it be through their work, their words or their passions. Watching how creative, outspoken, resilient, compassionate a lot of people have been has pushed me to be better and give more of myself. When the pandemic first hit us last year, I utilized my time by doing a lot of self reflection and self work. Prayer, exercising, journaling, listening to podcasts, reading, cooking/baking, spending quality time with loved ones (whether over the phone or Zoom or in person when possible) and organizing. A lot of organizing lol The idea that we now had all the time in the world to improve and work on any aspect of our lives that needed attention and some tending to, excited me. I made a promise to myself that the year wouldn’t be in vain. This promise/goal was definitely my daily driving force. This year, my inspiration comes from four words I decided, earlier this year, would define and navigate my 2021: Elevation, Expansion, Creativity and Fearlessness. If I’m not pouring into others or if it doesn’t fuel me, it will simply not get any of my attention. Whatever it is! Period! We owe it to ourselves to be the best versions of ourselves and to eliminate all that doesn’t serve us. Whatever that may look like (person or thing). To redirect our sights on what is positive and what we can control. Only great things can come out of that kind of mindset.

Lost Girl, Heroes Reborn, Shadowhunters, Hemlock Grove, Rocky Horror Picture Show, 19-2, Akilla’s Escape, Marry Me This Christmas, Welcome To Sudden Death, Grand Army.

What’s coming up for you?
Grand Army and Welcome To Sudden Death are currently playing on Netflix. I have a lead role in ‘Faith Heist’ which will be airing easter weekend on BounceTV and I have a major guest star role in the upcoming season (5) of Private Eyes, opposite Jason Priestley. Both coming out this year as well as a few VO spots:)

Tell us one fun fact about you.
Believe it or not, I’m actually shy. Yeah yeah yeah, I know lol

For more info:
Website: www.saginesemajuste.com
Instagram: @saginesemajuste
Twitter: @saginesemajuste